Currently, we are collecting bed bugs for our international population genetics project. We need samples from 21 specifically chosen cities. We therefore directly address pest management companies in the respective locations. However, we are thankful for any other help or just your interest in our work.
In past, we collected bed bugs for microsatellite analysis. This method requires a sample of at least 8 individual bed bugs per infestation. Now, we plan to use ddRAD method (double digest restriction associated DNA), that allows us to maximize the number of localities. One specimen per infestation is enough, though we prefer two with regard to the risk of low quality DNA.
The samples have to be stored in pure alcohol. It is better to keep the samples dry (or in the fridge), than depositing them in denaturated alcohol. We readily provide collecting kits: tubes with alcohol, tweezers and a pre-paid envelope with our address.
21 cities in 7 European countries chosen for sampling. Connecting lines = main railways.Address for shipping samples:
Ondřej Balvín
Katedra ekologie, Fakulta životního prostředí
Česká zemědělská univerzita
Kamýcká 129
165 00 Praha – Suchdol
Czech Republic
We are thankful for all your past and future help with the bed bug collecting!